
This declaration sets out the standards and behaviours we require from Life Scientific business
partners and suppliers and their suppliers to safeguard good working conditions for their employees,
promote a cleaner environment and apply the desired business ethics.
We expect all Life Scientific business partners and suppliers to adhere to the principles of this
declaration and those set out in the Life Scientific Code of Business Ethics Policy.

Business Integrity

Business partners and suppliers shall not practice or tolerate any form of corruption, extortion,
embezzlement or money laundering. Business partners and suppliers shall not offer or accept bribes
or other unlawful incentives (e.g., ‘facilitation payments’) to or from their business partners or
government officials. Business partners and suppliers shall not offer Life Scientific employees any
gifts or personal benefit which could be perceived as a bribe. In all cases, gifts or entertainment shall
not be offered to improperly influence a business relationship and must not violate applicable laws
or ethical standards

Conflict of Interest

Business partners and suppliers shall disclose to Life Scientific any situation that could constitute a
conflict of interest, such as Life Scientific employees having professional, private and/or significant
financial advantages or interests in any of the supplier’s businesses.

Fair Competition

Business partners and suppliers will conduct their business in line with fair competition and in
accordance with all applicable anti-trust laws.

International Fair Controls

Business partners and suppliers must comply with export control regulations applicable to their
business and provide accurate and truthful information about it to customs and other authorities
when required.

Privacy and Intellectual Proprieties

Business partners and suppliers shall safeguard and make only appropriate use of confidential
information and ensure that all employees and business partners’ privacy and valid intellectual
property rights are protected. Business partners and suppliers shall not use Life Scientific’s name or
logo or that of our affiliates or products in publicity or advertising without Life Scientific’s prior
written consent.

Data Privacy and Data Protection

Business partners and supplier information systems that contain Life Scientific’s confidential
information or data shall be appropriately managed and protected against unauthorized access, use,
disclosure, modification or destruction. Business partners and suppliers shall collect personal
information only for legitimate business purposes, use it in a legal, transparent and secure manner,
share it only with those who are allowed access, protect it in accordance with security policies,
retain it only for as long as necessary, and obligate third parties with access to personal information
to protect it.